Summary: | In this research, TRIMON, a multigroup Monte Carlo core management code
for TRIGA Mark-II reactors has been developed. Furthermore, TRIMON enables
direct empirical fuel burnup consideration, where the fuel burnup effect on reactor
criticality is considered independently without the need for an external fuel depletion
code. With these capabilities, TRIMON supersedes the current state-of-the-art Monte
Carlo codes which are not optimal in the direct fuel burnup consideration, core design
consideration and performance. The first validation test of TRIMON shows a good
agreement with the experimental results obtained from previous experimental works.
Plus, the performance benchmark experiment done in this research proves that the use
of homogenized neutron cross section reduces the simulation time. At the second stage
of this research, TRIMON code has become the tools to assess the unresolved problem
of Monte Carlo criticality calculation. Such an unresolved problem is the slow fission
source convergence. In this problem, Monte Carlo researchers must wait for a
significant amount of time to let the fission source distribution to settle down and
converge to a stationary distribution. This has made the simulation of large and
complicated reactor cores become a difficult. As a result, this research results in the
development of a new fission source convergence acceleration method which is called
the Survive-to-Search (S2S) method. Numerical tests of the S2S method for various
slow converging problems using TRIMON demonstrated that the method eliminates
up to 87% of the convergence time.