Summary: | Physical activity for most cancer patients still insufficient to obtain health benefits;
and adverse effects of cancer-related treatments may reduce regular physical activity.
This study aims to determine the nurse’s beliefs on benefits and barriers to physical
activity promotion for cancer patients in Hospital USM. A cross-sectional study was
conducted on 104 nurses from January 2021 to March 2021 by using a simple random
sampling method. A structured self-administered, validated questionnaire was used to
collect the data. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) version 26.0 software. The sociodemographic characteristics and level of beliefs
on benefit and barriers to physical activity promotion were presented in descriptive
statistics and Pearson correlation analysis and independent T test was employed to
determine the correlation between nurses’ beliefs on benefits of physical activity
promotion and socio-demographic characteristics with a significant level of p ≤.0.05. This
study found that most of the participants believe in the benefits of physical activity
promotion towards cancer patients such as improving mental health, 80.8% (n=85). Lack
of time 30.8% (n=32), patients look tired or not give cooperation 20.2% (n=21) and lack
of knowledge 16.3% (n=17) are the most chosen barrier for promoting physical activity
among the participants. There was no significant correlation between beliefs on benefits
of physical activity promotion with age (p= 0.908), working experiences (p=0.982), type
of ward (p=0.666) and the average number of cancer patient care in a week (p=0.144).
This study revealed that nurses’ beliefs in the benefits of physical activity promotion towards cancer patients. However, there were barriers to promoting physical activity to
cancer patients. Therefore, strengthening the provision of health information about
physical activity promotion by designing appropriate strategies and adjustments for
healthcare providers including nurses should be promoted.