Summary: | Hydrogel is a well established wound dressing. This study looks at the benefits conferred
when Tualang Honey is added to plain hydrogel (Safecare Hydrogel). A randomized
prospective study was performed to investigate and compare the healing properties of
Safecare Hydrogel and Honey Hydrogel with regards to their healing of split skin graft
donor sites.
Patients who underwent split skin grafting were screened for this study. Those who met
the inclusion and exclusion criteria qualified for the study. These patients were recruited
from the patient population in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) over a period
of 18 months. Individual written consent for inclusion in this study was obtained from
each patient. Using simple randomisation, 70 patients were assigned into 2 groups, 35
patients received commercially available Safecare Hydrogel dressing and 35 received
Honey Hydrogel dressing applied to their split skin graft donor sites. All donor sites are
inspected on the lOth, 15th and 20th post-operative day. The parameters assessed are
wound healing rates and pain assessment.
There was a difference observed in both these parameters between both groups. The rate
of healing of the wounds were found to be faster in the Honey Hydrogel group and
caused less pain, discomfort and pruritus, requiring less analgesia when compared with
the Safecare Hydrogel group.
Honey Hydrogel is highly effective in the treatment of split-skin graft donor sites. The
difference is clinically significant and reflects potential cost reduction in terms of reduced
duration of hospital stay and increased level of comfort for the patient.