Summary: | Footprints and foot outlines are physical and trace evidences commonly left at
crime scene that can be used to establish stature, sex and body weight estimation. The
aims of this study were to estimate population specific and sex-specific from footprints
and foot outlines for stature and body weight as well as sex estimation from ridge
density counting of selected ethnic groups residing in Sarawak state, East Malaysia i.e
Iban, Bidayuh, Melanau and Lun Bawang. The stature, body weight, footprints and
foot outlines were recorded following the standard procedure. The measured data for
both stature and body weight estimation and also the counted footprint ridges from the
eight defined size of 25mm2 were analysed with SPSS 20 statistical software for linear
regression formulae derivation and also sexing potentials estimation by Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. All of the footprint and foot outline lengths
show significant (P<0.001) positive correlation with stature. One of the findings had
shown extremely high correlation coefficient between footprint lengths of pooled
samples (R: 0.861-0.887) with stature. In contrast, the positive significant (P<0.001)
was only evident between breadth at ball of both footprint and foot outline dimensions
with body weight. In footprints, the higher correlation coefficient was obtained
between breadth at ball dimensions of pooled sample and body weight (R: 0.262 –
0.356). In sex estimation, the mean of footprint ridge density was significantly higher
among females than males in all designated areas (P<0.05). One of the findings
demonstrated total footprint ridge density was 91.6% from the right and 99.9% from
the left foot respectively. In conclusion, footprints and foot outlines can help to
determine criminal’s identity in forensic investigation.