Summary: | Malaysia is a tropical country which has high humidity and heavy rainfall. The annual average rainfall for Peninsular Malaysia is 2,300 mm. In other aspect, earthquake is not a frequent natural disaster happened in Malaysia. However, the case of local earthquake displays a slightly increasing trend. Besides, residents often felt tremors of earthquake from neighbouring region such as Sumatra. The 2004 Sumatera earthquake even caused 68 people killed in Penang, Langkawi, and Kedah. It is unknown for the combined effect of rainfall and earthquake to the existing slope structures in Penang Island. This dissertation presents the results on slope stability after the impact of rainfall and earthquake using the GeoStudio software. When considering the single effect of rainfall only, the results show that rainfall with longer duration and higher rainfall intensity will adversely affect the slope stability. The rainfall-induced slope instability often related to the rise of groundwater table level. On the other hand, the factor of safety for selected slope are even lower when both effect of rainfall and earthquake are considered in the analysis since the seismic waves will be imposed as secondary damage to the slope. Deformation is another parameter that can be used to evaluate the stability of slope affected by seismic waves. The results show that a higher deformation is recorded for slope geometry which has bigger slope angle and higher slope height. Reinforcement is essential to improve the slope stability so the factor of safety greater than 1.0 and deformation can be reduced at the same time. One of the reinforcements applied in this research is retaining wall which can improve the slope stability under the effect of rainfall and earthquake. Soil nailing is another reinforcement that can reduce the effect of rainfall since it minimizes the soil displacements through bonding to the surrounding soil. The importance of proper drainage system including surface drainage and subsoil drainage was studied as well.