Summary: | This study developed and validate a new fast, cost-benefit technique of mapping and
monitoring urban land cover characteristics using high resolution satellite sensor images
integrated with digital ‘framework’ of GIS data. This technique has successfully
determined the extent of the urban land cover changes in Nibong Tebal sub-district by
means of GIS spatial pattern analysis study. The research covers several stages of work
including pre-research, literature review, database development, data collection, system
software application, data entry stage, data analysis and data output stage. There are five
methods of spatial analysis that have been carried out, namely resampling, classification,
raster-vector conversion, image cross-tabulation, and spatial pattern analysis in analyzing
and detecting the urban land cover changes. The results showed that there are changes in
the built-up/urban area and were very significant due to the expansion of the residential
and commercial area. The result also indicated the decrease of the agricultural area such
as oil palm and rubber plantations due to the rapid urban expansion. Other results
obtained in this study showed some minor changes in the river outline probably due to
the errosion and the increase of sub-district roads over the areas. In conclusion, this
research provides useful results in demonstrating a process of integrating information
derived from satellite imagery with other spatial data in land use change detection study.