Summary: | Noise pollution is a dangerous hazard that is often overlooked. It is invisible to
the naked eye, although it exists on land and beneath the water. It may also be described
as any undesirable or distressing sound that has an impact on human and other species'
health and well-being. Manufacturing, development, transportation, and community and
home activities have all produced many types of noise in modern life. This research was
conducted to investigate the noise level and sources of noise in the USM Engineering
Campus. Besides, this study was carried out to compare the changes of noise level due
to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The sound level meter, manual traffic count, and laser speed
gun were used to measure noise and traffic. The mapping was analysed using ArcMap
10.3. From the results, from both situations; before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic
some of the equivalent noise levels on the campus exceeded the permissible noise levels
allowed by Department of Environment (DOE). However, the World Health
Organization (WHO) limits (55dB(A)), it is found that noise levels before the Covid-19
Pandemic exceeded higher than during the Pandemic. Apart from that, from the research,
it is revealed that noise level of A-weighted Equivalent Noise Level, LAeq having an
average reduction of positive 6dB(A). Last but not least, producing noise mapping, can
aids in the development of a better knowledge of acoustic settings and the problem of
noise pollution in the environment.