Summary: | The aims of this study were to compare and correlate maternal nutritional status and pregnancy
symptoms between healthy pregnant and gestational diabetic women. A total of I 08 pregnant
women (77 healthy and 31 gestational diabetic), aged between 19 to 34 year-old, within the
gestational age of 32 to 40 weeks were recruited from Obstetric and Gynecology, Hospital
Universiti Sains Malaysia. Pregnancy symptoms score were assessed with validated Pregnancy
Symptoms Questionnaire. Independent t-test, Mann-Whitney test, Pearson and Spearman
correlations were used for statistical analysis. Gestational diabetic women had significantly
higher pre-pregnancy body mass index (p=0.026), body fat mass at late trimester (p=O.OOI),
experienced lower frequency (p=0.044) and higher severity (p=0.026) of headache than healthy
pregnant women. Maternal weight gain rate was correlated positively with various pregnancy
symptoms among pregnant women. There is a significant difference on maternal nutritional
status and general pregnancy symptoms between healthy pregnant and gestational diabetic
women. There is also a significant correlation of maternal weight gain rate and pregnancy
symptoms among all pregnant women.