Summary: | Electricity is modern society’s most convenient and useful form of energy. Without it, the
present social infrastructure would not all be feasible. The increasing per capita
consumption of electricity throughout the world reflects a growing standard of living of
the people. The optimum utilization of this form of energy can only be ensured by
effective distribution systems. A distribution system is the one from which the power is
distributed to various consumers through feeders, distributors and service mains. Feeders
are conductors of large current carrying capacity carrying the current in bulk to the
feeding points. Distributors are conductors from which the current is tapped off the
supply to the consumer premises. Because of lower voltage, and hence higher current, the
R loss in the distribution system is significantly high compared to that of a high-voltage
transmission system. The pressure of improving the overall efficiency of power
distribution has forced the power utilities to reduce the loss, especially at the distribution
level. The I2
R loss in a distribution system can be reduced by network reconfiguration.
The reconfiguration changes the path of power flow from source to the loads. A program
has been developed based on MATLAB program to do the analysis in this project.The
perfomance of the proposed method was investigated on distribution system consisting of
33 buses and it was found that a significant loss saving can be achieved by using a of
High Voltage Distribution System.