Summary: | Concrete cracking is unpredictable and difficult to predict due to the nonlinear
characteristics of concrete. For this reason, studies on the structural response of masonry
concrete arches are very essential. The study aims to evaluate the response of the arch
structure under loading using non-contact and contact techniques and predict the crack
path. Non-contact and contact device analysis techniques are used to track the structure's
condition, with strain distribution on the concrete surface being measured with GOM
Software. It is possible to predict the path of cracks in a sample using GOM software's
image analysis of the strain field. Using a smartphone camera, a drone, and the DEMEC
Gauge, this study analyses how non-contact and contact techniques can be used to predict
structural cracks and evaluate the structural response of masonry concrete arches. A
uniformly distributed load is applied at the midspan of the sample. For each load stage,
the results of the non-contact and contact techniques were compared. For the upper
horizontal, lower horizontal, and left vertical loading stages, the DEMEC gauge reading
is taken. Data from DEMEC Gauge is compared with the values obtained from GOM
Correlate. The results were analysed simultaneously using the contact method and the
non-contact method. By measuring the strain on the sample surface, the smartphone was
proven to be 50% more accurate than the drone in this experiment. The problem occurs
when using a drone to evaluate strain using DIC. It is because drones generate a lot of
movement caused by surrounding wind and also noise generated from its own blades
during flight. As a result, the data in the drone video is more unpredictable. The
structure's strain distribution, which shows where the highest strain is accumulated
during the deformation process, was used to figure out where the crack path occurred.