Summary: | Background: Knowledge regarding the important of practices on physical activity is
very important among breast cancer patients for their awareness to improve quality of
life. Physical activity and exercise among cancer patients has been linked to reduce
cancer related fatigue and nausea symptoms as well improve the immune system
function of the patients. There are few references on this subject in the literature. The
aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge and practices on physical activity
among cancer patients in NROD, Hospital USM.
Methods: A cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted in 87 of breast cancer
patients in NROD by using structured self administered questionnaire. The non
probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample for this study.
Statistical analysis was conducted by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 22. Meanwhile, the descriptive analysis had been used to summarize
socio demographic data of the patients. Pearson Chi- Square was used to evaluate the
association between the study variables and the socio-demographic data (age,
occupational status, marital status, level of education and financial status) with the
practice towards physical activity. A p-value of equal or less than 0.05 was considered
Results: In this study population, there were 60 of breast cancer patients (69.0%) had
average level of knowledge regarding physical activity among them meanwhile
majority of them had insufficiently active (51.7%) towards practice on physical activity.
Then, for association between selected socio-demographic data and practices on
physical activity among breast cancer patients, age was found to be significant
association with practice on physical activity, with p value 0.000. Then, occupational
status also had been found significantly associate with practice on physical activity
where the p value is 0.009. Same goes to marital status and educational level where it
also shows significantly associated with practices on physical activity with p value were
0.004 and 0.009 respectively.
Conclusion: This study reflected there was an average level towards knowledge
regarding physical activity among breast cancer patients. Besides, they also reflect lack
of practicing aspect towards physical activity. Most of patients can perform physical
activity but might be not practice because of the socio-demographic factor such as lack
of time and increased in workforce. Therefore, education, communication and
reassurance should be emphasis on encouraging the patients to practice physical activity
to overcome public health concern to decrease the death and improve in quality of life
among breast cancer women.