Summary: | Two-lanes-two-way highway is a type of road that can carry high volume of traffic. This
situation become more serious if the value of headways is very small. The car following
behavior is one of the many aspects that are considered to influence road crashes and the
road traffic handling capacity. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the level of
services for Jalan Bukit Panchor, Jalan Bandar Baharu and Jalan Bukit Panchor Paper
Mill using the HCM 2000 method. This method is also used to analyse level of services
using the Arahan Teknik Jalan 8/86 (Jalan). The level of service from the two methods
are compared. Beside that, linear regression models were developed to get the
relationship between distance headway and speed. The data for this two-lane-two-directions road will be determined by the help of ‘Metro Count’ programmed to get the
traffic value. The distance headways and associated vehicle speed were separated into
several categories by vehicle type and then separated into speed classes according to type
of vehicle following i.e., car following car, car following heavy goods vehicle (HGV),
HGV following HGV and HGV following car categories. As a result from this project,
we know that there is no significant method in estimating level of service for the Arahan
Teknik Jalan 8/86 (Jalan) whereas it can be done by using the Highway Capacity Manual
2000. For relationship between distance headway and speed, drivers tend to follow
another vehicle closely and platoon appeared to develop rapidly.