Summary: | This project presents a set up of a thermoelectric power system that uses liquid
fuel, fired through a porous media burner. The aim of the study is to evaluate the
capability of the thermoelectric module to generate electricity based on the heat
produce by the combustion of the liquid fuel. The system uses kerosene as a fuel,
combust with variety of equivalence ratio between Ø = 0.813 to Ø = 18.227. Heat as
the product of the combustion is measured using a thermal imager device, and the
power generated by the thermoelectric module is measured using multimeter and it is
found out that at an equivalence ratio equal to one, the module generate the highest
power, where P = 1.056 W with average temperature of T = 437.25 °C. The power
generated at fuel-lean region with Ø = 0.813 is P = 0.602 W with average temperature
T = 425.04 °C. Whereas the power generated at fuel-rich region with Ø = 2.036 is P =
0.293 W with average temperature of T = 500.62 °C. It is found out that the highest
power generated can be obtained at Ø = 1, and the power generated decrease with
lower or higher value of Ø. However, the measured temperature is found out to
increase with increasing period of combustion. Hence, the performance of the
thermoelectric power generating system is evaluated and achieve at both fuel-lean and
fuel-rich region.