Summary: | The study of effects on wind loading to the roof cladding and purlin connection
become the focus of the present study. It is found that the failure of roof cladding initiated
at the overhang roof due to turbulence created form the strong wind. However, the
previous studies are limited to the non-engineered building without overhang roof mainly
the rural house in northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. In this study, the typical
overhang roof length was obtained through rural house survey. The experimental study
using simple pull through test was performed to simulate the wind loading effect on rural
house features especially at overhang roof. Therefore, the study is conducted to
investigate the pull through capacity on cladding to purlin connection of rural house. The
tests were conducted on two types of claddings namely, corrugated and trapezoidal roof
cladding. The purlin used timber type Dark Red Meranti which classified under strength
group 5 and the wind loading was applied via hydraulic jack machine. In the case of
corrugated roof cladding, the highest pull through capacity exhibited by 0.28 mm
thickness with 200 overhang length (1.534 kN) followed by 0.28 mm thickness with 300
mm overhang length (1.083 kN). Meanwhile, the maximum applied load exhibited by
0.28 mm thickness with 200 mm overhang length (3.391 kN) followed by 0.28 mm
thickness with 300 mm overhang length (2.830 kN). In the case of trapezoidal roof
cladding, 0.35 mm thickness of 300 mm overhang exhibited the highest pull through
capacity (1.153 kN) followed by 0.35 mm thickness of 200 mm overhang length (kN).
However, the maximum applied load exhibited by 0.35 mm thickness with 200 mm
overhang length (3.738 kN) followed by 0.35 mm thickness of 300 mm length of
overhang (3.589 kN). It was noted that shorter length of overhang developed stronger
roof cladding to purlin connection. The most efficient connection for roof cladding to purlin connection was found to be 0.23 mm thickness of corrugated roof cladding with
200 mm overhang length.