Summary: | Earthquake is a natural phenomenon that has a greater impact towards the
economy and community. Malaysia is located on low to moderate seismic zone, thus
almost structures were designed according to BS8110 which does not consider the
seismic action. In this study, two existing low rise buildings, namely Pra Sekolah and
JKR Cawangan Mekanikal were redesigned for earthquake resistance with the aid of
ETABS 2016 commercial software. The aim is to identify the increase in the material
construction cost due to the seismic loading. Two low rise building models were
generated and redesigned in considering of the seismic loading. The seismic loading was
applied to the structure by using modal response spectrum method. The parameter of the
seismic load include soil condition, behaviour factor, ductility classes and peak ground
acceleration were determined according to Eurocode 8. The material quantities such as
concrete volume and weight of reinforcement were determined by taking off process.
The results showed that the concrete volume and steel reinforcement increased due to
seismic loading. Besides, the material costs increased by 28.35% and 26.19% for Pra
Sekolah and JKR Cawangan Mekanikal, respectively. In this study, two different types
of soil condition (Type C and D) were used to evaluate the overall material quantity. The
two different soil condition showed insignificant change in the material quantities.