Summary: | Introduction: Neoplastic plasma cell expresses aberrant markers which differ from
normal plasma cell was postulated to carry prognostic significance. This study aimed
to determine the proportion of immunophenotypic expression of plasma cells in
plasma cell myeloma patients at diagnosis and to study the association between these
markers with clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A retrospective study was
carried out from June 2016 till June 2019 by collecting the flow cytometry results
(CD38/CD138/CD19/CD45/CD56/CD117 and cytoplasmic kappa and light chains
expression) from newly diagnosed plasma cell myeloma, PCM cases in both Hospital
Kuala Lumpur and Hospital USM. Clinical data and laboratory results retrieved from
medical record were analyzed statistically using SPSS26.0. Results: All 78 cases of
flow cytometry results in newly diagnosed PCM had more than one aberrant antigen
expression with 100% expression rate for both CD38 and CD138 while
CD19/CD45/CD56/CD117 in 28.2%, 23.1%, 83.3% and 25.6% respectively. The
majority were expressed kappa light chain restriction, 60.3%. A significant
association was demonstrated between CD19 markers with serum creatinine
(p=0.036). However, there was no significant association between expression of
other immunophenotypic markers with its associated factors. Conclusion:
Immunophenotyping by multiparametric flow
cytometryisausefultoolfordistinguishingneoplasticplasmacellsfromnormalplasma cell where aberrant antigens were present in most of thePCM withaheterogenous
immunophenotypic profile of PCM were defined in our population as compared to
others. Moreover, there was a significant association demonstrated between CD19
with serum creatinine. However, this result should be confirmed with a bigger
sample size.