Summary: | Background: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) were currently a
subject of concern on occupational world where they were the leading cause of major
disabilities and absenteeism among the workers. These phenomena affected global
economic due to reduce in productivity among the workers. Pandemic Covid-19 had
caused major drawback in occupational world where many people lose their job. In
Malaysia, food delivery riders became the alternative and popular choice of job
especially during pandemic Covid-19 as food delivery services were listed as essential
service during Movement Control Orders (MCOs). However, the incidence of Road
Traffic Accident (RTA) keeps increasing with high mortality rate among the riders.
Many studies had reported the WMSDs were among the factors which contributed to
the inappropriate riding behaviour among motorcyclist where WMSDs tend to cause
psychological distress among the riders. These eventually lead to inappropriate
behaviour such as speeding and violation of traffic light to chase for the trips.
Meanwhile, there were many factors was revealed to be significantly associated with
development of WMSDs such as working posture and exposure to the chronic
vibration. Thus, this study aimed to assess the ergonomic posture using REBA Method
and WBV measurement in relation with WMSDs among food delivery riders in
Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 191 food delivery riders in
Terengganu, Malaysia. A snowball sampling method was applied in this study where
the “Captain Rider” act as the seed. This study involved answering self-administered
questionnaire, REBA assessment and WBV measurement. The self-administered
questionnaire contained validated Malay-Translated Standardized Nordic
Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (M-SNMQ) which was designed to be completed
within 30 minutes. Then, working posture was assessed using REBA method to
quantify the risk of WMSDs. Meanwhile, WBV measurement was done using a
calibrated Larson Davis HVM 100 Human Vibration Meter with a tri-axial
accelerometer seat pad following ISO 2631-1 standards. The data was then analysed
using SPSS 20.4 where descriptive analysis, simple and multiple logistic regression
were performed.
Result: This study revealed high prevalence of WMSDs (74.9%) among the riders
which predominant by Low Back Pain (LBP) (73.3%). In addition, the mean (SD)
Final REBA Score also was high which was “5”(0.88) indicating of medium risk of
developing WMSDs which requires further investigation and the need of change to be
done. Furthermore, the mean (SD) of Daily Vibration Exposure, A(8) was also high
(0.624 (0.317) m/s2) which exceeded Exposure Action Value (EAV). Three factors
were found to be the factors associated with WBV above EAV level which were
average working days (aOR=1.56;95% CI=1.11,2.19;p=0.011), presence of WMSDs
(aOR=2.93;95% CI=1.37,6.28;p=0.006) and suspension service
(aOR=0.39;95%CI=0.19,0.82;p=0.012). This present study also proved that three
factor significantly associated with WMSDs development among food delivery riders
in Terengganu which were increasing average working days (aOR=2.00; 95%
CI=1.34,2.98 ;p=0.001) , WBV above EAV limit (aOR=2.71;95%
CI=1.13,6.53;p=0.026), and not doing stretching exercise before work (aOR=21.63;
95% CI=7.45,62.79;p<0.001).
Conclusion: The high prevalence of WMSDs among food delivery riders were
significantly associated with unergonomic posture which reflected by high REBA
score and WBV exceeded EAV level. The result from this study should be used by
health sectors as an indicator to implement change and improve the working
environment of the riders. Multi-sectoral approach is vital to ensure the prevalence of
WMSDs among this neglected group can be reduced which in turn can reduce the
incidence of RTA and mortality among the riders.