Summary: | SMEs are regarded as a vital component of any economy regardless of the
development status. This study considers the role of entrepreneurial leadership (EL),
learning orientation (LO) and digital transformation in determining the business
performance (OP) for the Small and Medium Enterprises as working in Dubai, UAE
with Digital strategy as moderator and innovation capacity as mediator as dipcited in
Figure 2.1. For this purpose, primary data was collected with the help of questionnaire
as developed through extracting the various items from existing literature for the study
variables. With the help of probability sampling, a valid sample of 400 respondents
was collected and empirically analyzed. Furthermore, based on the deductive
approach, current study has tested the relationship between the variables through two
step approach which is entitled as measurement model assessment and structural
model assessment, respectively. The findings through measurement model assessment
specify that there is no problem for the reliability, internal consistency, and other
measurements which are necessary while going for the structural model assessment.