Summary: | Proficiency in Fundamental Motor Skills (FMS) among children is important
for children to engage in physical activity (PA) and live an active lifestyle which will
bring positive implications to their physical, cognitive, and social development.
However, there is evidence that indicates low proficiency in FMS among children. The
study involved two interrelated studies and was divided into 2 phases: (1) Crosssectional
study (2) Interventional study. Data for both study phases were collected
using the Canadian Agility and Movement Skill Assessment (CAMSA) instrument.
Phase 1 of the study aimed to identify the Sarawakian children’s FMS test scores based
on gender and to identify the percentiles of total FMS score among Sarawakian
children based on gender and age. Data were analysed using the descriptive statistics
(mean, standard deviation, percentiles, crosstabs). 385 students were randomly
selected from 4 invited primary schools from 3 divisions in Sarawak (Kuching, Kota
Samarahan, Kapit). Males scored higher than females in all variables; completion time
(males, 28.65 ± 6.29; females, 28.09 ± 5.15), time score (males, 3.04 ± 2.20; females,
2.93 ± 1.82), skill score (males, 8.39 ± 2.51; females, 7.84 ± 2.62), total CAMSA score
(males, 11.42 ± 3.91; females, 10.77 ± 3.62), and interpretation (males, 1.09 ± .30;
females, 1.06 ± .23). In addition, the the Sarawakian children’s total FMS score
percentiles were lower as compared to the Canadian children. Phase 2 aimed to
examine the effects of Brain-Breaks exercise video program in FMS performance
among the primary school students in Kapit, Sarawak. 104 students from 2 invited primary schools in Kapit, Sarawak participated in the study. Following the pre-test,
the schools were randomly assigned to an intervention group (n = 53) and a control
group (n = 51). The intervention group received two-30 minutes Brain-Breaks sessions
per week for 7 weeks and the control group continued with their regular Physical
Education (PE) class for 7 weeks. A post-test was conducted following the 7-week
intervention. Mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the
effects of Brain-Breaks on the study variables. A mixed ANOVA showed significant
changes (time effect) on skill score, F(1,102) = 73.85, p-value = < .001; total CAMSA
score, F(1, 102) = 52.94, p-value = < .001; and interpretation, F(1, 102) = 15.57, pvalue
= < .001. There were also significant differences between groups on skill score,
F(1, 102) = 35.21, p-value = < .001; and total CAMSA score, F(1, 102) = 5.81, pvalue
= .018. A significant interaction effect was found for skill score, F(1, 102) =
17.07, p-value = < .001. In conclusion, the skill score and total CAMSA score among
primary school students significantly improved following the Brain-Breaks
intervention. Behavioural change intervention programs and strategies are essential in
the acquiring of fundamental motor skills among the primary school students which
are central to sports participation and physical activities.