Summary: | Over the years, many food-borne diseases have been reported due to consumption of
Ready-To-Eat Food (RTE) that has uncertain microbial quality. The present study
was carried out to assess the microbiological quality of various food samples which
was vended on streets of Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. A Total of thirty five (n=35)
samples were collected from the vendor in an aseptic container and immediately
transferred to the laboratory for analysis. The results for microbiological analysis
were presented as Total Plate Count (CFU/g), Total Coliform Count (CFU/g), Fecal
Coliforms Count or thermotolerant coliforms count (CFU/g), and presence or
absence of E.coli. It was found that 74.3% out of 35 samples were unsatisfactory for
Total Plate Count and 25.7% of the samples were satisfactory. For Total Coliforms
Count, 80% samples were unsatisfactory and 20% of samples were satisfactory. In
addition, for Fecal Coliforms Counts, 65.7% samples showed unsatisfactory result
and 34.3% samples showed satisfactory result. Six out of 35 samples showed
presence of E.coli. This study recommends some preventive measures which the
local authorities and food-maker together should follow, and also maintain the
standard hygienic procedure to prepare, cook and handle foods. Implementation of
such measures, rules and regulations on street food vendors in Kubang Kerian,
Kelantan and restaurant are extremely crucial to maintain the hygienic condition as
well as to avoid such spreading of harmful organisms through consumption of
contaminated foods.