Summary: | Technology has been playing an increasingly important role and has made its
way into the classroom environment as a result of its irrefutable presence in today's
education. The percentage use of technology in the classroom was still lagging
behind its expectations. Unresolved issues such as underutilization of provided
platforms or coursewares, as well as teacher resistance to them remained unresolved
and lacking in evidence. The majority of Malaysian teachers are not aware of
softwares or websites that could assist them improve teaching and learning, and just
a small fraction of teachers have received professional training in ICT fundamentals.
The aim of this research is to look into the challenges or gaps in technology
integration among teachers in school classrooms while in these initiatives.Thus
interaction patterns in the classroom can be discovered to aid in the development of
an identifier of teachers' potential technology skills.As such, in order to conduct the
case study, three students from standard one and ten students from form two were
selected to serve as a focus group, along with two primary school teachers and one
secondary school teacher.The first phase of the research will determine how much
influence the introduced factors have on interactions in the classrooms.