Summary: | The search for novel anticancer agents has moved from cytotoxic agents to biologically
targeted agents (which are primarily antiproliferative) to avoid the traditional toxic effects
of anticancer therapy and to develop more selective and effective agents. Inhibition of
cancer cells growth is a hallmark for declining the cell proliferation status in the treatment
of cancer. In this regard, herbals are more preferable for alternative agent to treat cancer. A
plant gall, Quercus infectoria (QI) (manjakani) extract had been reported to have
antiproliferative activity towards cervical cancer cell, Hela. However, its antiproliferative
mechanism is remaining undiscovered. Therefore, the current study has utilized aqueous
extract of Q. infectoria to investigate partial of antiproliferative mechanism demonstrated
by previous study. The expression status of tumor suppressor protein p53 and human
papilloma virus protein E7 treated samples were analyzed in this study. Preliminary study revealed the antiproliferative activity of the extract as I7.92± 0.42 pg/ml. This
concentration was used to determine the morphological changes and nuclear fragmentation as hallmark of apoptosis by Hoechst stain. The protein expression of p53 and suppression of HPV-E7 both evaluated by Western Blotting method with respective different
incubation time 24, 48 and 72 hours. Treated cells demonstrated the morphological
changes and fragmented nuclear. The p53 proteins were expressed and HPV E7 was
slightly suppressed. These results suggested that, QI aqueous extracts acted to suppress the
Hela cells proliferation by induction of apoptosis with expression of p53 and suppression
of HPV E7