Summary: | Cornlettes or immature com which is one of the commonly consumed vegetable by Malaysian
populace contains high dietary fiber in dried form. Presently, cornlettes have been introduced
in enhancing nutritional qualities of baked-based products. This study aims to investigate
the influence of different particle size (45, 125 and 250 pm) of cornlettes on the quality of
bun which covering morphological characterization, physicochemical, textural property and
sensory evaluation. Scanning electron microscopical observation showed that at higher
magnification, there are compact particles of wheat flour and dietary fibers especially bun
formulated with larger particle size of comlettes. In addition, microstructure of comlettes
with oily particles intact were clearly seen. Dietary fiber of comlettes was seen able to absorb
fat molecules. For texture profile analysis (TPA), as particle size increases (45,125 and 250
pm), the decreasing of hardness (1.45 kg to 1.32 kg), gumminess (1.74 kg to 0.98 kg) and
chewiness (1.74 kg to 0.98 kg) compared to control were observed. In sensory evaluation, bun
formulated with 250 pm particle size of comlettes was preferred by sensorial panellists
eventhough not significant with other treatments. Among 3 different particle sizes of
comlettes added in bun formulation, bun added with 250 pm particle size of comlettes
resulted as less firmness (1.32 kg), gumminess (0.98kg) and chewiness (0.98kg) compared to
other treatments. In brief, bun added with 250 pm particle size of comlettes is recommended
in the preparation of high fibre and palatable bun.