Summary: | Gold mining is the important activities that create economic growth and
development of the country. Effective method in gold processing is the key part in
gold mining. At Pulai Mining Sdn Bhd, gold recovery is poor and it is believed that
some percentage of gold lost into the tailing. This study involves characterization of
samples from the area and suggests the suitable processing method to recover gold
and iron with mining impacts to the environment. In this research, tailing and palong
samples are studied and the following methodology is applied: laboratory sampling,
mineral characterization and alluvial gold processing and then found the recovery of
gold after the results of analysis and processing. Result shows that the tailing sample
composed of 0.020 % of AU20 in flaky shape presented in fraction size <2.36 mm.
No gold was found in palong sample (taken from middle of palong) due to its good
design. Based on XRD result, tailing sample consists of hematite (FC203) 44.20 %,
quartz low (Si02) 32.90 %, pyrrhotite high (FeO.lJ8SS) 13 %, pyrite (FeS2) 9 % and
magnetite (Alo.IFe2.46Mgo.4204Tio.03) 0.90 %, whereas palong sample consists of
quartz low (Si02) 74.60 %, hematite (Fe203) 21. 70 %, magnesium aluminum sulfide
(AhMgS4) 3.20 % and pyrite (FeS2) 0.60 %.