Shrnutí: | The aim of this study is to evaluate the dosimetry parameters using ImageJ software and
conventional software, Verisoft software. The EBT2 film was irradiated with 400 MU for 6
MV and 10 MV energy photon of Siemens Primus (LINAC). The film was cut into 3x3 cm and exposed to 0 cGy - 600 cGy doses for calibration purposed. Another film from the same batch of EBT2 film was used to measure percentage depth dose (PDD) and beam
profile.The film was scanned 24 hr after irradiation with Epson Expression 10000 XL
flatbed scanner. The percentage depth dose (PDD) and beam profile were analyzed using
Verisoft (5.1) and ImageJ softwares. The result showed that the calibration curve using ImageJ for 6 MV and 10 MV energy photon excellent linearity (R = 0. 982 and 0.981
respectively).The percentage discrepancy for PDD was calculated for each 1 cm depth. The
small percentage discrepancy between ImageJ and Verisoft is 0.72 % and between ImageJ
and ionization chamber is 0.23 % for 6 MV PDD. The percentage discrepancy of 10 MV
between ImageJ and Verisoft is 0.41 % and between ionization chamber is 0.28 %. The
flatness of beam profile by ImageJ is 3.2 % and Verisoft is 5.0 % for 6 MV energy photon
the beam flatness of 10 MV energy photon for ImageJ is 4.27 % and Verisoft is 1.97 %.
The penumbra at 6 MV energy for Verisoft is -5.5 and + 5 and for ImageJ is -4.5 and +4. At
10 MV for Verisoft, the penumbra is - 4 and +5 and for ImageJ - 4 and + 4.5. The
symmetry at the 6 MV is 0.96 % for Verisoft and 1.6 % for ImageJ. The symmetry of the
10 MV for Verisoft and ImageJ is 0.17 % and 0.054 % respectively. As the conclusion the
ImageJ can be used as the alternative film quality assurance software due to its good
agreement with conventional software, Verisoft.