Summary: | The human body has variations in tissue density such as high-density bone tissue and low-density lung tissue, which will impact the dose distribution in the medium. The study aims to evaluate the dosimetric accuracy of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLD) and their ability to detect and measure dose perturbation by measuring the percentage depth dose (PDD) in the medium consisting of solid water, bone equivalent, and cork(lung) equivalent phantom. Three phantom setups of solid water phantom, solid water-bone phantom, and solid water-cork (lung) phantom were irradiated with a 9 MeV electron beam, and the PDD was measured using OSLD, EBT3 film, and ionization chamber. The PDD curve and electron range parameter obtained by OSLD was compared to other dosimeters and statistical test was conducted to determine the agreement between the PDD using the p-value. The results showed that PDD measured by OSLD was in good agreement with the ionization chamber and EBT3 film dosimetry in a homogenous solid water phantom setup. PDD in the inhomogeneous solid water-bone and solid water cork (lung) phantom setups measured by OSLD was also consistent with the EBT3 film and previous studies. No significant differences were observed between PDD measured by OSLD and the reference dosimetry, evidenced by p-value > 0.05 obtained from statistical tests. The overall results indicated the suitability of OSLD as a passive dosimeter in electron beam dosimetry in the medium with the presence of inhomogeneous tissue.