Summary: | This study embarks on an investigation of emotion regulation, social
imagination, and behavioral-emotional problems in typically developing
preschoolers and those at risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Adopting a mixed-method research approach, the study uniquely focuses on
preschoolers' social imagination, a critical cognitive skill for understanding others'
thoughts, feeling and intentions. To address the lack of quantitative methods in
evaluating interactions with wordless picture books, a novel TFI Analysis
Framework was proposed and tested in this study. The study comprises a pilot study
with one preschooler, followed by two main studies: Study 1 with 34 typically
developing preschoolers and Study 2 with 11 preschoolers at risk of ADHD. using a
wordless picture book to elicit qualitative data, which is then systematically
transformed into structured quantitative data through the TFI Analysis Framework.
This approach proves effective in revealing universal patterns in social imagination
development among preschoolers. For typically developing preschoolers, the
findings revealed a significant correlation between enhanced social imagination and
improved emotion regulation, which consequently correlates with fewer behavioralemotional
problems. It was also found that preschoolers at risk for ADHD exhibited
distinct patterns in emotion regulation and behavioral-emotional challenges.