Summary: | Kajian penyebaran bermusim fitoplankton dan parameter fiziko-kimia di Lautan Caspian telah dijalankan di 6 transek, 26 stesen pada kedalaman 0 meter (permukaan), 5, 10, 20, 50 dan 100 meter. Sejumlah 260 sampel fitoplankton telah dikumpulkan daripada strata kolum air semasa persampelan di sepanjang pesisir pantai (bahagian selatan) Lautan Caspian.
Seasonal distribution of phytoplankton and the physico-chemical parameters of the Caspian Sea were investigated at 6 transects with 26 stations, at the depths of surface 5,10, 20, 50 and 100m from winter (January-February), spring(May), summer(July), autumn (October-November) in 2005. A total of 260 phytoplankton samples were collected from the stratified water column during the sampling along Iranian coasts (southern part ) of the Caspian Sea.