Summary: | Purpose of the study
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the six dimensions of entrepreneurial management; namely entrepreneurial culture, growth orientation, management
structure, resource orientation, reward philosophy, and strategic orientation; and three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation; namely innovativeness, pro-activeness and risktaking) on the women-owned SMEs business performance in Malaysia. The research focuses on attaining two objectives. Firstly, to determine the significant relationship between
entrepreneurial management (EM) and women-owned SMEs business performance in Malaysia. Secondly, to determine the significant relationship between entrepreneurial
orientation (EO) and women-owned SMEs business performance in Malaysia.
A total of 207 usable data were gathered through a mail questionnaire survey. The obtained data have been analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
version 21.0. Regression analysis to test the relationships between EM and EO on the womenowned SMEs business performance in Malaysia.
Main Findings:
This research concerns specifically on women entrepreneurs who act as the ownermanager of the firms in Malaysia since their views often represent the views of the entire firms.
The empirical findings revealed significant relationships between women-owned SME's business performance and resource orientation, reward philosophy, strategic orientation,
innovativeness, pro-activeness, as well as risk-taking.
Implications /Applications:
This study helps the women entrepreneur to improve their quality of lives and furthermore, reduce the issue of poverty among them by providing the better understanding on
how EM and EO contribute to their business performance. This research contributes significantly to both in theory and practical for women owners-managers of SMEs and women
entrepreneurial development in the country. Finally, some limitations will also be acknowledged that indicate future research directions.
Novelty/Originality of this study:
There is limited knowledge about the relationship between EO, EM and women-owned SME's business performance. This paper examines the interaction between EO and EM and
provides evidence on their combined effect on women-owned SME's business performance.