Summary: | The aim of this study is to determine the current status of planning to achieve success in public “Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)” in Malaysia. This study used a descriptive approach. The unit of analysis of this study “consists of Academic and non-academic staff” from four “Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN)” universities. The research sample consists of 300. A questionnaire is made to collect authentic data from the target population. The result of this study seems to prove the respondents’ desire for an urgent change in the situation of planning to achieve success in public HEIs. The study showed that universities perform
relatively well in gender-equitable appointments to leadership positions. Furthermore, respondents to this study
valued the importance of planning to achieve success at the university level, with most respondents giving planning to achieve success a high priority. Furthermore, the results of this study show that state laws and policies also play a role in facilitating planning to achieve success practices at the HEI level. This study recommends both public and private HEIs in Malaysia to conduct further research to promote planning to
achieve success practices at university level. This study made a “significant contribution to the literature review” by revealing the current status of planning to achieve success implementation in higher education institutions in Malaysia. The findings of this study serve as a guide for higher education institutions in Malaysia to develop their strategies at the university level.