Summary: | A fuel cell is a type of clean energy that may be utilised in various applications across numerous sectors. Solid
oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has attracted considerable interest as a fuel cell type due to its excellent efficiency and durability.
However, SOFC may encounter specific challenges because of its operating temperature, which is generally high. This
circumstance might negatively affect the overall system performance. New materials that can work with SOFCs in the lowtemperature
range (LT-SOFC) must be introduced to overcome the challenges. The milled barium strontium cobalt ferrite–
samarium-doped ceria carbonate (BSCF-SDCC) composite cathode was introduced as a potential candidate for LT-SOFC
material. Argentum (Ag) was added to the BSCF–SDCC composite cathode to act as a catalyst material for efficient
performance. The characterisation of a BSCF–SDCC–Ag composite cathode was investigated under two properties,
namely, chemical and physical. The X-ray diffraction results for phase identification showed that Ag addition exhibited
compatibility with BSCF–SDCC composite cathode with no occurrence of impurities. The morphology and element
observation showed that the composite cathode powder was well mixed, and all significant elements were uniformly and
homogeneously distributed. The average percentage of porosity value was also obtained in the acceptable range (20%–
40%). Specifically, it ranged from 21.12% to 22.50%. Therefore, the findings of this study prove that the addition of Ag
can improve the performance of the BSCF–SDCC composite cathode, which is in line with the function of Ag as a catalyst