Summary: | Traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death, and they are caused by a variety of variables. However,
little research has been done on the variables that led to the crash. These studies frequently require long and varied time
series data, as well as models and complex programming languages, necessitating the use of computer software to create
information rapidly, precisely, and accurately. The use of licensed software entails relatively high expenses; nevertheless,
using open-source software is one way to overcome the limited cost of licensing this software (OSS). Starting with the
available analytic packages, examples of study utilizing OSS "R," and its advantages over other data processing software,
this paper covers the use of data processing and statistical OSS, specifically the "R" program device in traffic crash research.
The "R" tool can be used for a variety of statistical analyses, from simple analyses like analysis of variance in field research
to complicated visualization analyses. Various research "R" packages have been created. The "R" device's skill in data
management, simulation, modelling, and machine learning is a benefit of this program, which is required in traffic crash
study. Researchers and other parties will have more options to study material with OSS "R"