Summary: | With the rise of smart homes, security has become a top priority.
However, many traditional security systems are limited in their
capabilities and often require manual intervention. This project aims
to address this issue by developing a smart security system that
utilizes IoT technology to provide more efficient and effective
security measures. The purpose of this investigation is to address
this issue by designing a smart security system that employs IoT
technology to deliver more efficient and effective security measures.
To allow the door to be opened, the system is improved with a
keypad and an ESP32-CAM. This system also employs gas sensors to
ensure that the house is constantly in a safe state. Additionally, a
notification system is in place to keep homeowners informed about
home security via Blynk. The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a
significant role in enabling the functioning of the system. The paper
illustrates the hardware and software requirements, the
methodology used for implementation, and the result and
discussions based on testing the system components. The results
indicate that the system works well and successfully detects the
faces, controls the smart door lock and detects the gasses in the
house. The camera detection demonstrates accurate detection with
a range of 4 seconds for registered persons, while for the solenoid,
the detection for the door opens within a range of 1 second. Based on
the result, the ESP32-CAM performs reliably and consistently. The
Blynk application is used to provide home security monitoring and
control capabilities, whether in monitoring the user's face or the
level of gas security at home. Overall, the Development of a Canny
Smart House system is very convenient for the owner, and further
improvements will be made based on the test result