Summary: | Amidst the escalating complexity of energy demands and climate concerns, natural calamities, and the Black
Swan phenomenon have all presented formidable obstacles to the advancement and implementation of Abbreviations: AI, Artificial intelligence; CBD, Central business district; CE, Circular economy; CE-cVPP, Circular economy and community-based virtual power plant; COP, Coefficient of performance; cVPP, Community-based virtual power plant; DER, Distributed energy resources; EC, Electric chiller; FLCA, Full lifecycle assessment; FLC-APERR, Full-lifecycle atmospheric pollutants emission reduction ratio; FLC-ATCSR, Full-lifecycle annual total cost saving ratio; FLC-PESR, Fulllifecycle primary energy saving ratio; GB, Gas boiler; GSHP, Geothermal source heat pump; HHV, Higher heating value; HX, Heat exchanger; ICE, Internal com bustion engine; IES, Integrated energy system; LCA, Life cycle assessment; LHV, Lower heating value; MG, Micro-grid; ORC, Organic Rankine cycle; PV, Photovoltaic; SDGs, Sustainable development goals; SE, Systems engineering; SE-LCA, Systems engineering-based life cycle assessment; TES, Thermal energy storage; VESS, Virtual energy storage system.