Summary: | In control engineering education, concepts taught through lectures are often
complemented by practical laboratory experimentation. However, many controlengineering
classes do not include a lab component because of significant expense,
space and time considerations. As a result, an interactive experiment with real world
systems and equipments needs to improve the motivation of control engineering
students and develop an engineering approach to solve practical problems. The
Interlab project was initiated in November 2005 at International Islamic University of
Malaysia. The aim of the thesis is to develop technologies that enable laboratory
equipment to be controlled remotely by students through the Internet. This thesis
involved design and development of lab scale missile launcher model, modeling and
parameters identification of the plant, design and implementation of PID controller
and development of website for remote control laboratory for control experimentation.
The laboratory uses a NetMeeting; a streaming server to broadcast live video of the
plant. When students do their experiment online, they would get instant feedback of
their control action by observing movements of the equipment from the video. This
would give students a better feel of the laboratory. Students can perform laboratory
experiment on the plant using xPC Target Web Browser Interface from any computer
connected to the Internet. The initial result shows that the proposed system worked as
expected. The use of laboratory equipment would be optimized and students learning
experience would also be enhanced.