Summary: | The environmental issue was a debating topic over the past decades, but the knowledge, skill, and
attitude among the people are still never changed. Several studies found that a huge contributor to waste is the
industrial sector. Due to that, the green industry policies were created for environmental justice in order to
minimise the greenhouse gases, and the creation of the green industries was started. The green industries were
opening jobs opportunity for green jobs, and fulfilling the jobs that required someone competent with green skills.
To be competent, they needed in mastering the three dimensions of green skills: knowledge, skill, and attitude.
However, the skill shortage among the workers arose. Therefore, this paper aimed to explore green skills elements
from the industrial perspective in skill dimension. In this study a Delphi technique were applied which started with
interview session among experts. The semi-structured interview was conducted, and the protocol interview was
validated through peer review and member checking. Six experts were selected from the green industries and the
selection according to the characteristics such as the background qualification, job position, working experience,
and knowledge in the green industry. The data was transcribed by using paper and pen, and the thematic analysis
was used. From the interview session, a total of eight elements has been identified in green skills namely; waste
skills, design skills, planning, procurement, and material skills, energy and water skills, communication skills,
management skills, leadership and teamwork skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This exploration
was useful in order to conduct the next round of Delphi technique in terms of checklist items among the experts.