Summary: | Malaysia is progressing into Industry Revolution (IR) 4.0 which emphasizes more
onto digital, data and artificial intelligence where everything is expected to be automated.
However, cost tends to be a major issue at the pioneer stage of embracing technology where
Building Information Modelling (BIM) for example tends to be a cost tussle for the current
construction industry. Yet, research has shown that BIM is arguably one of the technology
platforms in combating the costing issue considering that BIM enables 3D model elements to
link to cost and auto-generate quantities which potentially achieve cost-effective project. Due
to the conflicting perspectives of how BIM affects project cost issues, it is imperative to
investigate the cost-related issues in implementing BIM in the project and to determine how
BIM in general positively influences the overall project cost. Qualitative research is adopted in
this study. A semi-structured interview was conducted among four professionals who employs
BIM in their project. They consist of the assistant manager, senior manager and chief executive
officer. The data collected is analysed by utilising Matrix Table for better organisation. The
scope of the study is in the Selangor state in which the local construction industry had applied
BIM in their construction industry up to the 3D stage. The results showed that the BIM
implementation cost is not too burdensome as it is only a one-time cost and does not vary
throughout the project period. In addition, the BIM influence on the overall cost of the project
is beneficial to the industry. It improves workflow and cost management. In conclusion, BIM is
beneficial to the construction industry in the long term. It is important to resolve the costrelated issues for implement BIM and hence, encourage the usage of BIM, especially in the IR
4.0 ecosystem