Sumario: | In Malaysia, 180 tons/day of solid waste bottom ash are produced by a Tanjung Bin power station, which is one of
the four coal power plants in Malaysia. Hence, to overcome this problem, the solid waste could be used as source material
in construction industry using geopolymer technique. Alkali-activated materials are introduced as an alternative materials
to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in the construction industry. There are many types of alkaline activator raw materi als
such as bottom ash, fly ash, metakaolin and so on that can be substituted the materials existing such as cement and fine or
course aggregate in the market now to make any production where the materials are coming from waste.The
geopolymerization process involves a substantially fast chemical reaction under alkaline conditions with Si and Al
minerals that results in a three‐dimensional polymeric chain and ring structure consisting of Si‐O‐Al‐O. The higher
Si‐O‐Al‐O bonds are contained in the geopolymer, the higher compressive strength results will find. Several types of
building materials such as"