Summary: | Performance analysis, as related to sport, is a process underpinned by a systematic analysis of information, to accelerate the
performance of athletes through crafted focused practice session based on the obtained analysis. Quantifcation of athlete
performance profle using sports video has thus been put forward, where the athlete tracking in such video-based analysis is
one of the critical elements for the success of an object tracking system. In this study, for the frst time the fower pollination
algorithm (FPA) is utilised to track the motion of the moving athlete from the sports video. Initially, a search window with
the attributes of centroid coordinates of the moving athlete, width and length of the search window is used to represent the
current position of the athlete. Subsequently, the hue, saturation and value (HSV) histogram of the region within the search
window is evaluated. In the consecutive frame, several potential positions of the athlete are identifed, and the Bhattacharyya
distance between the HSV histogram of the athlete in the previous frame and the potential position in the current frame is
calculated. Since the FPA attempts to maximise the similarity of both histograms, intuitively, the current position of the
moving athlete should be only slightly diferent than his previous position. The comparative analysis shows that the FPA is
comparable with other competing algorithms in terms of detection rate, tracking accuracy and processing time.