Summary: | Boarding school student aged 13-18 need to eat nutritious meals which contains proper
calories, vitality and nutrients for appropriate development with a specific end goal to repair and
upkeep the body tissues. Furthermore, it averts undesired diseases and contamination. Serving
healthier food is a noteworthy stride towards accomplishing that goal. However, arranging a
nutritious and balance menu manually is convoluted, wasteful and tedious. Therefore, the aim of
this study is to develop a mathematical model with an optimization technique for menu
scheduling that fulfill the whole supplement prerequisite for boarding school student, reduce
processing time, minimize the budget and furthermore serve assortment type of food each day.
It additionally gives the flexibility for the cook to choose any food to be considered in the
beginning of the process and change any favored menu even after the ideal arrangement and
optimal solution has been obtained. This is called sensitivity analysis. A recalculation procedure
will be performed in light of the ideal arrangement and seven days menu was produced. The data
was gathered from the Malaysian Ministry of Education and schools authorities. Menu arranging
is a known optimization problem. Therefore Binary Programming alongside optimization
technique and “Sufahani-Ismail Algorithm” were utilized to take care of this issue. In future, this
model can be implemented to other menu problem, for example, for sports, endless disease
patients, militaries, colleges, healing facilities and nursing homes.