Summary: | The quality of beauty treatment services will be evaluated by the clients
subjectively whether they are satisfied or otherwise with the services
provided. However, the reports and complaints related to customer
dissatisfaction when receiving beauty treatment services at beauty centers
are increasing. Unfortunately, the suggestions for improvement from the
previous studies are still insufficient. Therefore, this study was conducted to
examine the importance of proficiency in communication skills and the need
for training modules in the teaching and learning process (T&L). It is
required to improve communication skills among cosmetology students for
Upper Secondary Vocational Education Program (USVEP) in beauty arts
course. The data were collected through the interview method on six USVEP
teachers and a beauty salon entrepreneur. The findings of the study found
that the proficiency in communication skills among the cosmetology
students is an important requirement for employers in selecting their
employees, increasing customer loyalty and the customer’s frequency to
visit beauty salons, and maintaining the excellent performance of
cosmetology students in the workplace. In addition, there is also a high
demand for the development of communication skills training modules in
helping cosmetology students to constantly updated with new knowledge
and skills needed from time to time. Therefore, adequate training is required
to improve the competency in communication skills among the cosmetology