总结: | – 3D printing technology has evolved over
the years. There are many types of 3D printing methods
introduced in this technology. As 3D technology
continues to develop, medical industry technology
follows the trend to ensure continuity in the medical and
healthcare industry by being involved in the development
of tissue engineering scaffold fabrication through 3D
printing. One of the 3D printing methods is the
fabrication of 3D bone tissue engineering scaffolds by 3D
Digital Light Processing (DLP). Although 3D DLP
methods in the fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds
help researchers develop new inventions, it might affect
environmental sustainability. Therefore, the application
of GaBi software will be applied in order to evaluate and
identify the environmental impacts. Hence, this research
paper will apply GaBi software as tool to analyse the
fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds in 3D DLP and
determine the potential environmental impacts of this
process. From the GaBi software analysis, this research
will show the potential emissions that contribute to the
environment that comes from 3D DLP operations. This
research will contribute to 3D bone tissue engineering
development to include environmental sustainability in
each of the research and development involved in this