Summary: | An excessive amount of phosphate
3−) released from domestic wastewater treatment
plant efuent (DWTPE) may trigger eutrophication of
water causing a degradation of healthy aquatic eco�system. Even though the PO4
3− ions can be removed
from aqueous solution with an adsorption technique
using the low-cost adsorbent, the adsorption kinet�ics of PO4
3− removal must be understood. The bed
depth service time (BDST), Thomas and modifed
mass transfer factor (MMTF) models were used to
investigate the adsorption kinetics of PO4
3− removed from DWTPE onto the waste mussel shell (WMS)
applied to hybrid plug fow column reactor (HPFCR).
Dynamic adsorption capacity of WMS described by
the new modifed BDST model is shown to increase
with increasing of the plug fow column (PFC) bed.
The analysis of mass transfer behavior described
using the Thomas model is able to predict the per�formance of HPFCR at certain depths of the PFC
bed. The use of the MMTF models could be useful
to describe the real diference between the behav�iors of flm mass transfer and porous difusion. The resistance of PO4
3− mass transfer depending on
porous difusion has been verifed to provide a contri�bution in the development of advanced WMS adsor�bent for enhancing the HPFCR performance in the