Summary: | Electrohydraulic control system are widely use in industry due to continuous
operation, higher speed of response with fast motion etc. However, there is a
drawback that it is difficult to control because of the highly nonlinear and
parameters uncertainties. In this project, a Full Order Sliding Mode Controller is
design to control the system. First, the mathematical model of the electrohydraulic
servo control system is developed. Then the mathematic model will be transformed
into state space representation for the purposed of designing the controller. The
system will be treated as an uncertain system with bounded uncertainties where the
bounded are assumed known. The proposed controller will be designed based on
deterministic approach, such that the overall system is practically stable and tracks
the desired trajectory in spite the uncertainties and nonlinearities present in the
system. The performance and reliability of the proposal controller will be determined
by performing extensive simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Lastly, the
performance of the controller is to be compared with Independent Joint Linear
Control and advanced deterministic controller.