Summary: | The performance of an educational steam power plant with rated output of20 kW was
analyzed based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Experimental data was
obtained from the educational steam power plant located at the Thermodynamics
laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Kolej Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (KUITTHO)
which used diesel as a fuel. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of
the steam power plant. The energy and exergy balances were carried out on each of
component of the power plant, excluding the feedwater pump. The energy interactions,
the exergy losses and the efficiencies of each component based on the first and second
law of thermodynamic were evaluated. The results of the analysis show that the
performance of the plant is influenced by both the boiler pressure and the superheater
temperature. It was found that, the thermal and exergy efficiencies of the plant are 8.9%
and 5.2% respectively. The results also indicate that, the major source of exergy
destruction occurred in the steam boiler followed by losses in the turbine and condenser.
Theexergy losses in boiler are mainly due to the heat loss during the combustion process.
Conversion of chemical energy to heat energy and heat transfer between the combustion
gases and water are the other causes of destructions.