Summary: | Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry especially in
airframes and engine components due to their high strength-weight ratio that is
maintained at elevated temperature and their exceptional corrosion resistance.
Nevertheless, titanium and its alloys are thought to be difficult-to-machine material
due to their poor thermal properties and highly chemical reactivity. In this study, Ti�6AI-4V has been drilled using single-layer PVD-HIS-TiAIN coated carbide, Type A
(T12-A) and Type C (T12-C and T13-C), multi-layer PVD-HIS-Supemitride coated
carbide, Type A (S 13-A) and Type C (S l2-C and S 13-C) and uncoated carbide Type
B (U12-B and U13-B) and Type C (U12-C and U13-C) drills with different drill
point geometry under various cutting speeds and constant feed rate. The tool
performance, tool failure modes and tool wear mechanisms were analyzed under
various cutting speeds. On the other hand, the cutting forces and the surface
roughness were measured. In this study, Type C drills outperformed Type A and B
drills in terms of tool life for almost all the cutting conditions tested. At low cutting
speed of 25 m/min, the uncoated carbide tool of U12-C drills demonstrated the
longest tool life, which resulted in low tool wear rate. The excellent improvement of
both coated drills were mainly due to their ability of maintaining oxidation resistance
and high hardness especially at elevated temperatures. On the other hand, poor
performance of Type B drills was mainly due to premature tool failure caused by
severe chipping and breakage. Non-uniform flank wear, chipping, cracking and
catastrophic failure were the dominant failure modes of all tools under most cutting
conditions tested. These failure modes were mainly associated with adhesion,
diffusion and plastic deformation wear mechanisms. Based from the results
obtained, it can be suggested that Type C drill was recommended and the lower
cutting speed of 25 m/min should be employed in order to achieve high performance
in drilling Ti-64.