Summary: | Heat transfer enhancement utilizing nanofluids in a trapezoidal enclosure is investigated for various per�tinent parameters. Transport equations are modelled by a stream-vorticity formulation and solved
numerically by finite difference approach. The inclined sloping boundaries is treated by adopting stair�case-like zigzag lines. Based upon the numerical predictions, the effects of Grashof number, inclination
angle of the sloping wall, volume fraction of nanoparticles on flow and temperature patterns as well
as the heat transfer rate within the enclosure are presented. Water–Cu and water–Al2O3 nanofluids were
tested. We found that acute sloping wall and Cu nanoparticles with high concentration are effective to
enhance the rate of heat transfer. We also developed a new correlation for the average Nusselt number
as a function of the angle of the sloping wall, effective thermal conductivity and viscosity as well as Gras�hof number