Summary: | Good compaction is the most important factor to consider when constructing
asphalt mixture either in the laboratory or in the field. The higher compactive effort
presents the higher density to the pavement. The 75 blows as compactive effort in
designing laboratory Marshall mixes sample is usually selected. Too high compaction
could affect the pavement durability. The aim of this study is to investigate the
performance of 50 blows comparing to 75 blows of compactive effort in Marshall
Mix Design. The experiment included two types of mixes, ACW14 and ACW20
where 50 and 75 blows were used for each mix. ACW20 samples were tested
according to AASHTO T283-89 "Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to
Moisture Induced Damage" and ACW14 samples were tested using Universal Testing
Machine according to ASTM D4123 "Standard Test Method for Indirect Tension Test
for Resilient Modulus of Bituminous Mixtures." 50 blows compactive effort for
ACW20 showed the higher tensile strength ratio when tested for moisture induced
damage. For ACW14, the 50 blows compactive effort indicated lower Resilient
Modulus than the 75 blows but still above the estimated performance. In general,
mixes with 50 blows compactive effort indicated the same performance with the 75
blows samples.