Summary: | The use of Mobile commerce (m-commerce) services is rapidly growing in various fields. However, there has been no research on the relationship between m-commerce performance and effort expectancies, social influence, facilitating conditions, trust, risk, mobility, and personal innovation. Several factors have driven the usage of m-commerce. Therefore, the study aims to identify the acceptance factors affecting consumers' behavioural intention towards m-commerce applications by adopting the revised Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. Concerning the behavioural choice towards m-commerce applications concerns, the following objectives were identified. First, to determine the acceptance factors affecting consumers' behavioural intention towards m-commerce applications. Secondly, to develop and evaluate the proposed model on consumers' behavioural preference towards using a mobile commerce application based on the revised UTAUT model. Thirdly, to examine the moderating effects of the proposed model on consumer behavioural intention toward using a mobile commerce application. This study employed a quantitative method, using a survey questionnaire, whereby 370 respondents participated in the overall data collection phase, which involved the surrounding Kuala Lumpur area. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM software. Thus, this study identified eight factors, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, mobility, personal innovation, perceived risk, and perceived trust, as influencing factors. Furthermore, the proposed model was tested with seven moderators: age, gender, experience, education level, income, marital, and payment method, to investigate the moderation relationship between these factors. This research revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived risk, perceived trust, personal innovation, and loading mobility to predict behavioural intention to use mobile services in the Malaysian environment. Furthermore, the independent variables were found to influence the behavioural choice significantly. However, perceived risk was found not to predict the behavioural intention to use mobile services in Malaysia. In summary, the proposed model can be used as a reference model by the related sectors such as financial and retail services to inspire their consumers to accept mobile services to be used more effectively for buying and selling goods and services in the future.