Summary: | The Asian CHI symposium is an annual event organized by researchers and practitioners in Asia. The symposium aims to bring together both early-career and senior HCI academia and UX practitioners from industries in Asia and bring about cross-exchange of information and transfer of knowledge in a multidisciplinary environment and multi-socio-economic aspects of HCI research and also foster social ties and collaboration in the field of HCI. Beyond showcasing the latest Asian-inspired HCI work and those focusing on incorporating Asian sociocultural factors in their design, implementation, evaluation, and improvement, the Asian CHI Symposium 2023 is a sandbox for academically rigorous discourse platform for both HCI academic and UX practitioners to present their latest research findings and solutions that reflect the expansion of HCI theory and applications towards culturally inclusive design for diverse audiences in Asia. In addition to circulating ideas and envisioning future research in HCI, this symposium aims to foster social networks among academics (researchers and students) and practitioners and grow a research community from Asia.